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237 W. 2nd Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43201

Sunday Mornings
9am - Corporate Prayer
9:30am - Coffee & Fellowship
10am - Worship Service

Sunday morning worship is the main event of our week as a church family. We pray. We sing. We listen to the Word proclaimed. Together, we confess our failures as well as our faith in the God who loves and forgives us. We gather at the table for the Lord's Supper and conclude our worship service. All of this is in the bulletin, so you can follow along and see what's coming next.


Throughout history, God has primarily used words to communicate with his people. Not flashy images or spectacular events (though those sometimes helped), but words. The same holds true today: God speaks through his Word—both read and preached—and we respond. So, take a listen. Hear God's Word as it's preached at Grace Central. You'll get a good idea of what you'll hear on a typical Sunday and what we're all about.